
Crock Pot Pho

Crock Pot Pho

Our Crock Pot Pho is a convenient and flavorful adaptation of the traditional Vietnamese dish, utilizing the slow cooker for a simplified preparation. This dish typically involves simmering beef, aromatic spices like star anise and cinnamon, along with rice noodles...

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Dining Trends in Senior Living

Dining Trends in Senior Living

Having the freedom of choice is an expectation for today’s seniors. Instead of taking a backseat to their care as they age, people 55 and up are voicing their preferences like never before. Focusing on person-centered dining is the way to go as you regularly...

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Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies

Brown Sugar Oatmeal Cookies

Indulging in guilty pleasures is a common practice for almost everyone, often manifesting in the form of unhealthy food cravings. Surveys indicate that 87% of individuals crave sweets as their ultimate guilty pleasure, with cookies being a prime example. However,...

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Scallops Provencal

Scallops Provencal

Savor the exquisite flavor of scallops while treating your body to a wealth of health benefits! Bursting with heart-healthy nutrients, scallops are a delightful addition to promote cardiovascular wellness. The abundance of essential minerals, including magnesium and...

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